Super Honor Summon and Super Fusion Rates Up back to back!

「Super Honor Summon and Super Fusion Rates Up back to back!」の編集履歴(バックアップ)一覧はこちら

Super Honor Summon and Super Fusion Rates Up back to back!」(2015/09/22 (火) 11:36:28) の最新版変更点



#image(SHSSFRU_ingameheader.png) Event Period: September 17, 00:00 PST - September 30, 23:59 PST September 17, 01:00 PDT - October 1, 00:59 PDT >日本時間で >9/17(木)17:00 - 10/1(木)16:59 Another back-to-back celebration again as Grand Gaia will enjoy Super Honor Summon and Super Fusion Rates Up. Use up your hard-earned Honor Points and get a chance to summon Elemental Crystals, Jewel Units, Imps, Almighty Imp Arton, Burst Frog, Burst Emperor and Sphere Frogs. Strengthen your allies with higher chances of Greater and Super Success when fusing units. Don't miss the chance and dominate the battlefields NOW
#image(SHSSFRU_ingameheader.png) Event Period: September 17, 00:00 PST - September 30, 23:59 PST September 17, 01:00 PDT - October 1, 00:59 PDT >日本時間で >9/17(木)17:00 - 10/1(木)16:59 超絆召喚 クリスタルゴッド・ジュエル・幼魔・アルトン・バーストフロッグ・バーストエンペラー・スフィアフロッグ 合成大成功キャンペーン 大成功・超成功確率アップ

