Windower > コマンドリスト


Windower/コマンドリスト」(2008/09/11 (木) 02:33:42) の最新版変更点



#contents *コマンドリスト **GENERAL COMMANDS |&bold(){showfps #}|FPS表示<0 = 非表示, 1 = 表示>| |&bold(){screenshot format [hide]}|スクリーンショットフォーマット<format> は以下の形式から選択 bmp/jpg/png&br()hide を付けるとWindowerやねこまの画面表示を隠して撮影| |&bold(){wait #}|Windower起動後、入力した秒数置いてから command/bind/alias/script をロードする| |&bold(){pause #}|同上| **CONSOLE COMMANDS |&bold(){console_toggle}|Toggles the visibilty of the console| |&bold(){console_clear}|Clears the console buffer| |&bold(){console_echo "文章"}|" で囲んだ文章をコンソール上に表示| |&bold(){console_displayactivity #}|Sets whether the console displays on new text<0 = disable, 1 = enable>| |&bold(){console_fadedelay #}|コンソールの表示が消えるまでの時間| |&bold(){console_position X Y}|コンソールの位置| |&bold(){console_color A R G B}|コンソールの色調調整<Alpha (Optional) Red Green Blue>| |&bold(){console_exec "ファイルパス"}|指定のファイルのコンソールスクリプトを実行| **GAME COMMANDS |&bold(){game_forceambientlight #}|下記anbientlightのON/OFF <0 = OFF, 1 = ON>| |&bold(){game_ambientlight A R G B}|ゲーム画面色調調整<Alpha (Optional) Red Green Blue>| |&bold(){game_fillmode #}|レンダリング変更 <0 = 通常, 1 = ワイヤーフレーム, 2 = point fill>| |&bold(){fillmode #}|同上| |&bold(){game_gamma #}|ガンマ設定 <0-100, Default = 50>| |&bold(){gamma #}|同上| |&bold(){game_allowsetcursorpos #}|Sets whether the game is allowed to set the cursor position<0 = false, 1 = true>| |&bold(){game_minimize}|タスクバーに最小化| |&bold(){game_exit}|シャットダウン?| |&bold(){game_quit}|ログアウト?| |&bold(){game_terminate}|Hard exits the game to desktop (not recommended)| |&bold(){terminate}|同上| |&bold(){window_toggleframe}|ウィンドウフレームのON/OFF| |&bold(){window_togglefullscreen}|フルスクリーンのON/OFF| **KEYBOARD COMMANDS |&bold(){keyboard_bind key [up] command}|キーバインド設定 keyは下記を参照 Down is assumed, specify up for bind on release of key. < ^ = Ctrl, ! = ALT に置換>&br()| |&bold(){bind key [up] command}|同上| |&bold(){keyboard_unbind key [up]}|キーバインドの解除 down is assumed, specify up for up.| |&bold(){unbind key [up]}|同上| |&bold(){alias <alias> command}|e.g. "alias blah wait 5;echo hello" will create a pseudo console command "blah" can be typed in the console, used in a script, or even put into a bind| |&bold(){keyboard_sendstring "string"}|Sends a string to the game input "string"| |&bold(){keyboard_type "string"}|This is the old functionality of keyboard_sendstring, this types the string to type "string" the chat input bar ingame.| |&bold(){keyboard_blockinput #}|Blocks keyboard input<0 = unblock, 1 = block>| |&bold(){keyboard_allowmmf #}|Allows or disables keyboard input via MMF<0 = disable, 1 = enable>| |&bold(){paste}|Pastes the contents of the clipboard to the input buffer.| **MOUSE COMMANDS |&bold(){mouse_blockinput #}|マウス入力を受け付けなくする<0 = OFF, 1 = ON (MAJOR PROBLEMS)>| **PLUGIN COMMANDS |&bold(){plugin_load plugin名}|プラグインをロード(.dll is optional, and case is irrelevant)| |&bold(){load plugin名}|同上| |&bold(){plugin_unload plugin名}|プラグインをアンロード| |&bold(){unload plugin名}|同上| |&bold(){toggle plugin名}|Will toggle a plugin. Designed to be bound to a key to turn off or on a plugin on a keystroke|
#contents *コマンドリスト **GENERAL COMMANDS |&bold(){showfps #}|FPS表示<0 = 非表示, 1 = 表示>| |&bold(){screenshot format [hide]}|スクリーンショットフォーマット<format> は以下の形式から選択 bmp/jpg/png&br()hide を付けるとWindowerやねこまの画面表示を隠して撮影| |&bold(){wait #}|Windower起動後、入力した秒数置いてから command/bind/alias/script をロードする| |&bold(){pause #}|同上| **CONSOLE COMMANDS |&bold(){console_toggle}|Toggles the visibilty of the console| |&bold(){console_clear}|Clears the console buffer| |&bold(){console_echo "文章"}|" で囲んだ文章をコンソール上に表示| |&bold(){console_displayactivity #}|Sets whether the console displays on new text<0 = disable, 1 = enable>| |&bold(){console_fadedelay #}|コンソールの表示が消えるまでの時間| |&bold(){console_position X Y}|コンソールの位置| |&bold(){console_color A R G B}|コンソールの色調調整<Alpha (Optional) Red Green Blue>| |&bold(){console_exec "ファイルパス"}|指定のファイルのコンソールスクリプトを実行| **GAME COMMANDS |&bold(){game_forceambientlight #}|下記anbientlightのON/OFF <0 = OFF, 1 = ON>| |&bold(){game_ambientlight A R G B}|ゲーム画面色調調整<Alpha (Optional) Red Green Blue>| |&bold(){game_fillmode #}|レンダリング変更 <0 = 通常, 1 = ワイヤーフレーム, 2 = point fill>| |&bold(){fillmode #}|同上| |&bold(){game_gamma #}|ガンマ設定 <0-100, Default = 50>| |&bold(){gamma #}|同上| |&bold(){game_allowsetcursorpos #}|Sets whether the game is allowed to set the cursor position<0 = false, 1 = true>| |&bold(){game_minimize}|タスクバーに最小化| |&bold(){game_exit}|POLへ戻る。| |&bold(){game_quit}|同上| |&bold(){game_terminate}|Hard exits the game to desktop (not recommended)| |&bold(){terminate}|同上| |&bold(){window_toggleframe}|ウィンドウフレームのON/OFF| |&bold(){window_togglefullscreen}|フルスクリーンのON/OFF| **KEYBOARD COMMANDS |&bold(){keyboard_bind key [up] command}|キーバインド設定 keyは下記を参照 Down is assumed, specify up for bind on release of key. < ^ = Ctrl, ! = ALT に置換>&br()| |&bold(){bind key [up] command}|同上| |&bold(){keyboard_unbind key [up]}|キーバインドの解除 down is assumed, specify up for up.| |&bold(){unbind key [up]}|同上| |&bold(){alias <alias> command}|e.g. "alias blah wait 5;echo hello" will create a pseudo console command "blah" can be typed in the console, used in a script, or even put into a bind| |&bold(){keyboard_sendstring "string"}|Sends a string to the game input "string"| |&bold(){keyboard_type "string"}|This is the old functionality of keyboard_sendstring, this types the string to type "string" the chat input bar ingame.| |&bold(){keyboard_blockinput #}|Blocks keyboard input<0 = unblock, 1 = block>| |&bold(){keyboard_allowmmf #}|Allows or disables keyboard input via MMF<0 = disable, 1 = enable>| |&bold(){paste}|Pastes the contents of the clipboard to the input buffer.| **MOUSE COMMANDS |&bold(){mouse_blockinput #}|マウス入力を受け付けなくする<0 = OFF, 1 = ON (MAJOR PROBLEMS)>| **PLUGIN COMMANDS |&bold(){plugin_load plugin名}|プラグインをロード(.dll is optional, and case is irrelevant)| |&bold(){load plugin名}|同上| |&bold(){plugin_unload plugin名}|プラグインをアンロード| |&bold(){unload plugin名}|同上| |&bold(){toggle plugin名}|Will toggle a plugin. Designed to be bound to a key to turn off or on a plugin on a keystroke|




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