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term of change」(2008/01/21 (月) 03:05:46) の最新版変更点



*Frank Lioyd Wright's tearm of change(1910~1920) **The Lost Years (1910~1922) From 1909 to around 1922, the period has been considered lost in terms of our understanding of Wright's work, he was puzzled about job and house’s problem, but in this term, it has rich in creative development for him, regardless of the fact that Wright built far few buildings in the decade after 1910 than in the previous decade.What he saw provided the European artistic inspiration that allowed his practice to enter a rich, experimental period upon his return from Europe. On the lost years, it was important that he travel to Europe. I want to explain that why it was that. **Frank Lloyd Wright’s history &bold(){1910} -Frank Lloyd Wright and Mamah return from Europe,travel of love. &bold(){1911} TaliensenⅠ #image(tariasen.jpg) &bold(){1912} W. Little ResidenceⅡ #image(taleisen.jpg) &bold(){1914} Midway Garden #image(garden.jpg) - Taliesen was set fired, in this affair Mama and her children who visited on vaction. TaliesenⅡ was constructed &bold(){1915} F.L.W received a letter by Miriam Noel &bold(){1916} - Order design of The Imperial Hotel decided officially &bold(){1922 } - Divorce with Catherin Married with Noel After death of Mamah, What got him out ofdifficulty was not Noel, butorder of The ImperialHotel **Wright in Europe The received notions of influence in Wright or Wright's influence in Europe have been put forward outside of any biographical context. Yet, the impact of Europe on his art was bound up with his personal experiences. The most immediate demonstrable result of his travels was the collation of his work in a graphic format for the monograph that was unparalleled by the publications of any contemporary American or European architect. He had confronted in person aspects of the historical legacy of Western architecture and had begun to write about his reaction to it for his Wasmuth Introduction. And yet Wright's "spiritual adventure" was incomplete. Before he could fully reveal how Europe had affected his work he had to face a return to his family, to translate his experience into his art, and to fit his principles into an unconventional life. His explorations of the lessons of Europe would take place in the midst of intense strife.the experience in Europe imbedded him more deeply into the culture of American than anyone has suspected. Europe made Wright more American than ever. #image(doidoi.jpg)

