

fighter_param_common」(2016/11/05 (土) 20:07:30) の最新版変更点



キャラクターの共通行動、および一部キャラの必殺技などに関するパラメータ。 受付フレーム、計算式の係数、入力感度など。 空欄は何の数値か判明していない。 16/11/05作成。転載元の表が更新されることもあるので注意。 転載元:レタス氏のスプレッドシート↓ [[]] |Name|Value|Description|comment|h |0|11|Buffering input window|| |1|0.18|Walk sensitivity|| |2|0.5||| |3|2||| |4|5||| |5|0.1||| |6|-0.25|Turn sensitivity|| |7|0.83|Dash, pivot and F-smash sensitivity|| |8|2|Unknown|| |9|5|Dash > Item toss window|| |10|5|Unknown|| |11|6|Dash > Turn window|| |12|15||| |13|0.67|Dash Exit Momentum Multiplier|related to perfect pivot, jump cancelling item toss and etc| |14|0.625|Run Sensitivity|| |15|0.4||| |16|1||| |17|0.25||| |18|5|Frames|| |19|0.05||| |20|-0.375||| |21|2||Added in 1.0.4| |22|10|Turn > F-tilt, F-smash, Side-B and Item toss window|| |23|5|Frames|| |24|8|Frames|| |25|5|Frames|| |26|-0.66|Crouch/Tether drop sensitivity|| |27|0.3|Crawling forward sensitivity|| |28|0.65||| |29|-0.3|Crawling backward sensitivity|| |30|-0.65||| |31|0.6625|Tap jump sensitivity?|| |32|4|Tap jump input window?|| |33|0.125|Jumping forward/backward sensitivity|| |34|0.3|Shorthop with tap jump sensitivity?|| |35|0.5625|Dash/Run (something to do with tap jump) sensitivity?|| |36|0.3||| |37|0.03||| |38|1||| |39|3|Fall->Jump...??|| |40|0.1||| |41|0.1||| |42|0.05||| |43|-0.7|Spotdodge sensitivity|| |44|4|Spotdodge input window|| |45|0.7|Roll sensitivity|| |46|4|Roll input window|| |47|0.9||| |48|0.55||| |49|0.25|Ftilt sensitivity|| |50|0.28|Up angled Ftilt sensitivity|| |51|-0.28|Down angled Ftilt sensitivity|| |52|0.25|Utilt sensitivity|| |53|-0.25|Dtilt sensitivity|| |54|0.55||| |55|60||| |56|0.28|Up angled Fsmash sensitivity|| |57|-0.28|Down angled Fsmash sensitivity|| |58|0.66|Usmash sensitivity|| |59|4|Usmash input window|| |60|-0.66|Dsmash sensitivity|| |61|4|Dsmash input window|| |62|1.4|Fully charged smash attack multiplier|Only Megaman has different value, around 1.7| |63|1.2|Interrupted charged smash attack knockback multiplier|| |64|0.25|Bair/Fair sensitivity|| |65|0.25|Up angled Fsmash sensitivity|| |66|0.25||| |67|0.9|Sensitivity?|Added in 1.0.4| |68|4|Input window?|Added in 1.0.4| |69|0.56||| |70|-0.66|FastFall sensitivity|| |71|4|FastFall Input Window|| |72|0.85||| |73|5||| |74|60|This was glide data in Brawl. Probably does nothing.|| |75|1|This was glide data in Brawl. Probably does nothing.|| |76|0.67|Hitlag multiplier while crouching|There is no limit, nothing related with attacker's hitlag.| |77|0.85|Crounching Knockback multiplier|| |78|0.7|Input Distance Threshold for Smash DI|| |79|4|Unknown|| |80|2|Smash DI Distance|| |81|0.65|Automatic Smash DI Distance|| |82|0.66|Shield SDI Distance Multiplier|| |83|8||| |84|80||| |85|200||| |86|0.5||| |87|1.8||| |88|5|Downward Velocity required to hit the floor in action 44(Brawl)|| |89|0.5||| |90|30||| |91|220|Autostand time in frames when lying on the ground|| |92|0.2|Get up sensitivity|| |93|0.2|Get up roll sensitivity|| |94|60||| |95|0.6625||| |96|3||| |97|0||| |98|0.6|Side+B Sensitivity|| |99|0.55|Up+B/Down+B Sensitivity|| |100|4||| |101|10||| |102|-0.6875|Platform drop sensitivity|| |103|6|Platform drop input window|| |104|-0.5|Unknown|| |105|1||| |106|1||| |107|0.051||| |108|-0.66|Something to do with holding down to stop ledge grab with tethers auto pull|| |109|2|Ledgesnap Duration|| |110|100|CliffQuick/Slow % damage threshold in Brawl|| |111|360|Ledge hang timer|There is another 20F ledge hang.| |112|240|Unknown|| |113|0.25|Ledge release/getup sensitivity|| |114|0.872665|Ledge getup analog range (radians)|equal to 50 deg| |115|54|Ledge Grab Penalty|After ledge release, you cannot grab the ledge in 54 frames.| |116|0|Unknown|| |117|0.6||| |118|60|Unknown|| |119|300|Unknown|| |120|44|Something related to ledge intangibility|Changed to 10000, invincibility lasts 6~ second at 0%| |121|120|Unknown|| |122|4|Unknown|| |123|0.9|Unknown|| |124|20||| |125|28||| |126|25||| |127|16||| |128|30|Unable Tech window|If you double tap your shield button, you cant tech in 30F from first input.| |129|8|Tech window|| |130|0.2|Tech Roll sensitivity?|| |131|0.1||| |132|5|Tech WallJump Input Window?|| |133|14|Tech->Tech WallJump Window|| |134|400|Base time on shield break|| |135|90|Minimum time on shield break?|No way to prove this one. It was bugged in Brawl and bugged in this game too| |136|1|Reduction per frame on Shield break|| |137|3|Reduction per input on Shield break|| |138|0.5|Something to do with the directional input threshold on shield break|| |139|10|Unknown|| |140|0.12|Something related to trip chance with 361 moves|| |141|0.02|Something related to trip chance with 361 moves|| |142|60|Trip?|| |143|240||| |144|150||| |145|60||| |146|1||| |147|2||| |148|4||| |149|80|Crouch?|| |150|80|Crouch?|| |151|2||| |152|30||| |153|60||| |154|120||| |155|5||| |156|2||| |157|10||| |158|2||| |159|25||| |160|6||| |161|2||| |162|0.045||| |163|1.15|Rage effect|Rage effect multiplier&br;=1+(%-35)*(1.15-1)/(150-35)&br;(35<=%<=150)| |164|150||| |165|35||| |166|2|Unknown|| |167|1.33|Unknown|| |168|2||| |169|0.8||| |170|0.7||| |171|0.66||| |172|0.5||| |173|20||| |174|130|WallJump Timer|| |175|0.8|WallJump Sensitivity|| |176|3||| |177|5|Walljump Startup|| |178|0.96|WallJump Decay Multiplier|| |179|4|Walljump Air Mobility Delay|| |180|0.9||| |181|0.75|Footstool Height Decay Multiplier|| |182|0.5|Footstool range? required speed?|| |183|8|Footstool?|| |184|30||| |185|-20||| |186|180|Wallcling Timer|| |187|0.5||| |188|0.5||| |189|60|Time between wallclings?|| |190|0.35|Aerial attack landing lag speed mod?|| |191|20||| |192|0.66||| |193|8|Unknown|| |194|50|Shield HP|| |195|0.15|Terminal Shield Size|The size of shield when shield has 0 HP.| |196|11|Minimum Shield Hold Frames|You cannot drop shield until F12.| |197|8|Unknown|| |198|16|Unknown|| |199|0.13|Shield Damage per Frame|Takes 385 frames to breaking| |200|0.08|Shield Recover per Frame|Takes 625 frames from breaking| |201|25|Shield Reset|When broken, shield strength resets to this value| |202|1.19|Shield Damage Multiplier|| |203|0|Bonus Shield Damage|| |204|0.58|Normal Shield Stun Constant|Normal Shield Stun Formula(FAF)&br;=INT(Damage*0.58+3)←????| |205|4||| |206|0.5|Projectile Shield Stun Multiplier|#NAME?| |207|0.8|Unknown|| |208|0.09|Unknown|| |209|1.3|Max shield pushback|| |210|80|Unknown|| |211|1.05|Shield Size Multiplier|Base shield size is writtin in fighter_param file.| |212|0.5|Shield Shaking from Dashing|| |213|4|Power Shield Effect Disappear Frame|Power Shield Window : 1-3F| |214|5|Window to drop shield after powershield to get interrupts?|| |215|0.66|Power Shield Shield Stun Multiplier|#NAME?| |216|0.15|Power Shield Shield Knockback Multiplier|| |217|0.04|Attacker pushback when hitting shields|There is no limit? Pushback formula?| |218|0.025||| |219|0.05||| |220|1.1|Unknown|| |221|1.3|Franklin Badge reflected damage multiplier|| |222|1.3|Franklin Badge reflected speed multiplier|| |223|8|Shield Drop Lag (FAF)|| |224|3|Dash attack > Grab Window|| |225|1||| |226|3|Turn > P-grab window|| |227|1|Grab time reduced per frame|| |228|8|Grab time reduced per directional input|button input should be around 14.3(15/1.05?) but couldn't find| |229|10|Unknown|| |230|2|Unknown|| |231|2||| |232|16||| |233|30||| |234|6||| |235|6||| |236|90|Base grab time|#NAME?| |237|1.7|Multiplier for grab hold time added from total damage|| |238|-3||| |239|1||| |240|1.9|H speed on normal grab break|| |241|1.2|H speed on jump grab break|| |242|27||| |243|18|How many frames of invincibility you have after a throw|| |244|0.01|Weight factor of weight dependent throw speed formula|| |245|26|related to weight dependent throws|| |246|2|Result of weight times above cannot exceed this|| |247|0.5|Result of weight times above cannot be lower than this|| |248|70|Grab immunity frames|| |249|3||| |250|0.75||| |251|1.1||Added in 1.0.4| |252|0||Added in 1.0.4| |253|10800|Frames after touching the ground until KO ownership is lost|| |254|45|Frames until attacks out of hitstun|| |255|2||| |256|40|Frames until airdodge out of hitstun|| |257|2.5||| |258|0.2||| |259|5||| |260|4||| |261|4||| |262|2||| |263|4||| |264|2||| |265|10||| |266|160|Minimum knockback for the screen to flash white|| |267|1|Stage Collide Min Velocity|| |268|0||| |269|0.85|Launch speed multiplier on wall/ceiling bounce|| |270|70||| |271|0.2||| |272|3||| |273|15||| |274|0.8||| |275|0.8||| |276|0.9||| |277|0.15||| |278|20||| |279|20||| |280|0.075|Used in vertical launch speed boost formula.|Vertical knockback boost = 5*(Gravity-0.075)| |281|5|Used in vertical launch speed boost formula. Multiplier|| |282|0.17|Maximum changed angle from trajectory DI (radians)|equal to 9.740283... degrees| |283|1.095|Vectoring maximum launch speed multiplier|| |284|0.92|Vectoring minimum launch speed multiplier|| |285|3|Frames after hitlag before you can hit the floor in tumble?|| |286|2||| |287|0.5||| |288|30||| |289|1||| |290|0.051|Launch speed decay per frame|| |291|2||| |292|0.8||| |293|0.9||| |294|0.2|Maximum KB to Execute Momentum Commands with LA-Bit[57] not Set(Brawl)|| |295|0.8|Tumble Wiggle Sensitivity|| |296|1||| |297|40||| |298|18||| |299|60|Frames before respawn (after being KO'd)|| |300|0.2|Read when launched into the upper corners of the ceiling death boundary(Brawl)|| |301|1.2||| |302|2.4|Minimum initial launch speed to die off top boundary|equal to 80 KB| |303|4.7||| |304|1||| |305|130|Frame duration of Star KO|| |306|45||| |307|-350||| |308|0.6||| |309|-10||| |310|16||| |311|1||| |312|40|Frames until fighter hits the screen during Screen KO|lower number = takes less time to fly towards the screen| |313|4||| |314|30||| |315|40||| |316|0||| |317|120||| |318|-230||| |319|0||| |320|-15||| |321|-50||| |322|1||| |323|0.2||| |324|1.7||| |325|-1||| |326|-10||| |327|60|Frames in between respawning and taking control|lower number = respawn platform descends faster| |328|240|Max time allowed to stay in respawn platform|| |329|120|Invincibility granted out of respawn platform|| |330|45|Read on exiting respawn platform|| |331|90|Minimum KB required for medium knockback SFX|| |332|180|Minimum KB required for high knockback SFX|| |333|15|Minimum launch distance required for low knockback SFX|| |334|15|Minimum launch distance required for medium knockback SFX|| |335|15|Minimum launch distance required for high knockback SFX|| |336|3.8|Throw release?|| |337|2.3|Throw release?|| |338|0.3||| |339|1.2||| |340|3||| |341|3.5||| |342|3||Added in 1.0.4| |343|10|Base Sleep Time|| |344|10|Base sleep time (this * 3 frames added?)|| |345|30|Something to do with sleep|| |346|25|Multiplier for sleep time scaling off knockback|| |347|1|Multiplier for sleep time scaling off total percent|| |348|1|Sleep time reduced per frame|| |349|8|Sleep time reduced per input|| |350|3||| |351|76|Max stun frames|| |352|15||| |353|50||| |354|1||| |355|0||| |356|1||| |357|5|Stun time reduced per input|| |358|0||Added in 1.0.6| |359|0||Added in 1.0.6| |360|0||Added in 1.0.6| |361|1||Added in 1.0.6| |362|1.1||Added in 1.0.6| |363|1||Added in 1.0.6| |364|6||Added in 1.0.6| |365|70||Added in 1.0.6| |366|3|Number of frames entering buried state?|| |367|10||| |368|15||| |369|30||| |370|1.5||| |371|0.5||| |372|1||| |373|8||| |374|1.2|Vertical momentum out of bury escape|| |375|12|Frame you can interrupt bury escape jump|| |376|8||| |377|70||| |378|0.7||| |379|0.7||| |380|100||| |381|0.8|Knockback resistence while buried|| |382|0.5|Frozen damage multiplier?|| |383|0.25|Frozen knockback multiplier?|| |384|0.03|Frozen gravity multiplier?|| |385|-25|Something to do with the characters spinning while frozen?|| |386|-4|Something to do with the characters spinning while frozen?|| |387|12|Base freeze time|| |388|1|Freeze time reduced per frame|| |389|4|Freeze time reduced per input|| |390|2||| |391|8.5||| |392|16|Read when exiting frozen state (number of frames on exit?)|| |393|30||| |394|0.6|Ladder stuff|| |395|7|Ladder grab lag in frames?|| |396|0.8||| |397|8||| |398|0.7||| |399|0.081||| |400|0.4||| |401|8|How many frames of falling from JumpStart in water?|| |402|0.04||| |403|0.91||| |404|4|Read when surfacing water|| |405|20|Frame count between ripples in water when swimming|| |406|240|Swim time?|| |407|2.5|Swimming scaling multiplier for how many less frames you can swim for (your % * 2.5)|| |408|0.6||| |409|150|Flailing in water time?|| |410|10|Read when going from swim to frail?|| |411|20||| |412|3||| |413|40||Added in 1.0.4| |414|70||Added in 1.0.4| |415|100|Read when going from swim to frail?|| |416|200||| |417|1||Added in 1.0.4| |418|20||| |419|70||| |420|2||| |421|150||| |422|120|Wario Chomp Base Time|| |423|0.5|Multiplier for Chomp time added (your % * 0.5)|| |424|10|Time reduced per input|| |425|2|Related to Wario Chomp|| |426|5|Related to Wario Chomp|| |427|0.5|Related to Wario Chomp|| |428|4||| |429|5.4|Location coordinates for victim entering Kirby's mouth?|| |430|6.8|Location coordinates for victim entering Kirby's mouth?|| |431|0.9|Velocity for victim entering Kirby's mouth?|| |432|1.2|Velocity for victim entering Kirby's mouth?|| |433|1|Affects time it takes to enter Kirby's mouth?|| |434|10|Inhale time reduced per input?|| |435|1|Inhale time reduced per frame?|| |436|250|Base inhale time|| |437|12|Used on Kirby spit/swallow|| |438|1|Used on Kirby spit/swallow|| |439|30|Time spent in a star on spit|| |440|10|Time spent in a star on copy|| |441|4|Frames before opponent can act out of star?|| |442|0.73|H speed of star exit|| |443|2.3|V speed of star exit|| |444|0||| |445|10||| |446|30||| |447|30||| |448|100|DK Cargo Grab Base Time|| |449|5|DK Cargo Time increase per %|| |450|7|DK Cargo Grab Time reduction per directional input|| |451|13|DK Cargo Grab Time reduction per button input|| |452|5.4|H location victim falls towards when entering Dedede's mouth|| |453|8.4|V location victim falls towards when entering Dedede's mouth|| |454|2.7|H velocity while falling into Dedede's mouth|| |455|3.6|V velocity while falling into Dedede's mouth|| |456|1|Affects time it takes to enter Dedede's mouth|higher is faster| |457|12|Dedede inhale time reduced per input|| |458|0|Dedede inhale time reduced per frame|| |459|250|Dedede Swallow Base Time|| |460|12|Time in star reduced per input|| |461|1|Time in star reduced per frame|| |462|30|Time spent in star|| |463|4|Frames before opponent can act out of star?|| |464|0.73|H speed of star exit|| |465|2.3|V speed of star exit|| |466|-5|H location on Dedede inhale escape|| |467|10|V location on Dedede inhale escape|| |468|2.8|Used on Dedede inhale escape|| |469|1.308997|Used on Dedede inhale escape (radians)|equal to 75 degrees| |470|4|Used on Dedede inhale escape|| |471|70|Diddy Side B Base Hold Time|| |472|1.3|Multiplier for Diddy Hold time added (your % * 1.3)|| |473|24|Used on Diddy Side B|| |474|0.4|Used on Diddy Side B|| |475|6|Diddy Hold Time reduced per input|| |476|0.8|Robin nosferatu?|| |477|155||| |478|120||| |479|5||| |480|1||| |481|2||| |482|6||Added in 1.0.6| |483|5||Added in 1.0.6| |484|38||Added in 1.0.6| |485|65||Added in 1.0.6| |486|38||Added in 1.0.6| |487|60||Added in 1.0.6| |488|280|Corrin Side B Base Hold Time|Added in 1.1.4| |489|1.5|Multiplier for Hold time added (your % * 1.5)|Added in 1.1.4| |490|1|Time reduced per frame|Added in 1.1.4| |491|30|Time reduced per input??|Added in 1.1.4| |492|0.002|Used on Corrin Side B|Added in 1.1.4| |493|6|HeavyItem Smash Throw Input|| |494|8|Item Smash Throw Input Window|| |495|5|Dash attack item catch window|| |496|5|Aerial Item Catch|| |497|5|Picking up Item?|| |498|8|Frames|| |499|70|Frames|| |500|2|Frames|| |501|5|Frames|| |502|0.3||| |503|0.625||| |504|16|Frames|| |505|0.5||| |506|6|Frames|| |507|0.6||| |508|0.325|Heavy Item Walk Threshold|| |509|-0.25|Heavy Item Pivot Threshold|| |510|100|Frames|| |511|5|Frames|| |512|5|Frames|| |513|6|Frames|| |514|20|Frames|| |515|2||| |516|35||| |517|10||| |518|120||| |519|2||| |520|0.87||| |521|1||| |522|2||| |523|0.9||| |524|1||| |525|15||| |526|30||| |527|4||| |528|120||| |529|30||| |530|1||| |531|20||| |532|1|Flower time reduced per frame?|| |533|16|Flower time reduced per input?|| |534|3000|Maximum stacking flower time?|| |535|40|Multiplier for flower time added scaling off hitbox damage?|| |536|0.7|Something to do with flower size?|| |537|3.5|Used on flower effect|| |538|0.04|Something to do with flower size?|| |539|2||| |540|720||| |541|2||| |542|9||| |543|25||| |544|3||| |545|-27||| |546|54||| |547|450|Frames|| |548|6|Hammer|| |549|10|Frames|| |550|800|Frames|| |551|120|Frames|| |552|60|Frames|| |553|120|Frames|| |554|15|Golden Hammer?|| |555|50|Frames|| |556|600|Frames|| |557|120|Frames|| |558|1.05||| |559|2||| |560|1.7|Super Mushroom size multiplier?|| |561|0.5|Related to Super Mushroom|| |562|0.5|Poison Mushroom size multiplier?|| |563|0.84|Super Mushroom Voice Pitch multiplier?|| |564|1.25|Poison Mushroom Voice Pitch multiplier?|| |565|480|Frame count? Maybe it's the duration?|| |566|100|Read after finishing size change animation|| |567|180|Frames|| |568|3||| |569|2.4|Lightning Size multiplier?|| |570|0.5|Related to Lightning|| |571|0.5|Lightning Size multiplier?|| |572|0.7|Lightning Voice Pitch multiplier?|| |573|1.25|Lightning Voice Pitch multiplier?|| |574|600|Frame count? Maybe it's the duration?|| #table_zebra(t1, #ddd, #fff, #3f6) **コメント #comment()
キャラクターの共通行動、および一部キャラの必殺技などに関するパラメータ。 受付フレーム、計算式の係数、入力感度など。 空欄は何の数値か判明していないもの。 16/11/05作成。転載元の表が更新されることもあるので注意。 転載元:レタス氏のスプレッドシート↓ [[]] |Name|Value|Description|comment|h |0|''11''|Buffering input window|| |1|''0.18''|Walk sensitivity|| |2|''0.5''||| |3|''2''||| |4|''5''||| |5|''0.1''||| |6|''-0.25''|Turn sensitivity|| |7|''0.83''|Dash, pivot and F-smash sensitivity|| |8|''2''|Unknown|| |9|''5''|Dash > Item toss window|| |10|''5''|Unknown|| |11|''6''|Dash > Turn window|| |12|''15''||| |13|''0.67''|Dash Exit Momentum Multiplier|related to perfect pivot, jump cancelling item toss and etc| |14|''0.625''|Run Sensitivity|| |15|''0.4''||| |16|''1''||| |17|''0.25''||| |18|''5''|Frames|| |19|''0.05''||| |20|''-0.375''||| |21|''2''||Added in 1.0.4| |22|''10''|Turn > F-tilt, F-smash, Side-B and Item toss window|| |23|''5''|Frames|| |24|''8''|Frames|| |25|''5''|Frames|| |26|''-0.66''|Crouch/Tether drop sensitivity|| |27|''0.3''|Crawling forward sensitivity|| |28|''0.65''||| |29|''-0.3''|Crawling backward sensitivity|| |30|''-0.65''||| |31|''0.6625''|Tap jump sensitivity?|| |32|''4''|Tap jump input window?|| |33|''0.125''|Jumping forward/backward sensitivity|| |34|''0.3''|Shorthop with tap jump sensitivity?|| |35|''0.5625''|Dash/Run (something to do with tap jump) sensitivity?|| |36|''0.3''||| |37|''0.03''||| |38|''1''||| |39|''3''|Fall->Jump...??|| |40|''0.1''||| |41|''0.1''||| |42|''0.05''||| |43|''-0.7''|Spotdodge sensitivity|| |44|''4''|Spotdodge input window|| |45|''0.7''|Roll sensitivity|| |46|''4''|Roll input window|| |47|''0.9''||| |48|''0.55''||| |49|''0.25''|Ftilt sensitivity|| |50|''0.28''|Up angled Ftilt sensitivity|| |51|''-0.28''|Down angled Ftilt sensitivity|| |52|''0.25''|Utilt sensitivity|| |53|''-0.25''|Dtilt sensitivity|| |54|''0.55''||| |55|''60''||| |56|''0.28''|Up angled Fsmash sensitivity|| |57|''-0.28''|Down angled Fsmash sensitivity|| |58|''0.66''|Usmash sensitivity|| |59|''4''|Usmash input window|| |60|''-0.66''|Dsmash sensitivity|| |61|''4''|Dsmash input window|| |62|''1.4''|Fully charged smash attack multiplier|Only Megaman has different value, around 1.7| |63|''1.2''|Interrupted charged smash attack knockback multiplier|| |64|''0.25''|Bair/Fair sensitivity|| |65|''0.25''|Up angled Fsmash sensitivity|| |66|''0.25''||| |67|''0.9''|Sensitivity?|Added in 1.0.4| |68|''4''|Input window?|Added in 1.0.4| |69|''0.56''||| |70|''-0.66''|FastFall sensitivity|| |71|''4''|FastFall Input Window|| |72|''0.85''||| |73|''5''||| |74|''60''|This was glide data in Brawl. Probably does nothing.|| |75|''1''|This was glide data in Brawl. Probably does nothing.|| |76|''0.67''|Hitlag multiplier while crouching|There is no limit, nothing related with attacker's hitlag.| |77|''0.85''|Crounching Knockback multiplier|| |78|''0.7''|Input Distance Threshold for Smash DI|| |79|''4''|Unknown|| |80|''2''|Smash DI Distance|| |81|''0.65''|Automatic Smash DI Distance|| |82|''0.66''|Shield SDI Distance Multiplier|| |83|''8''||| |84|''80''||| |85|''200''||| |86|''0.5''||| |87|''1.8''||| |88|''5''|Downward Velocity required to hit the floor in action 44(Brawl)|| |89|''0.5''||| |90|''30''||| |91|''220''|Autostand time in frames when lying on the ground|| |92|''0.2''|Get up sensitivity|| |93|''0.2''|Get up roll sensitivity|| |94|''60''||| |95|''0.6625''||| |96|''3''||| |97|''0''||| |98|''0.6''|Side+B Sensitivity|| |99|''0.55''|Up+B/Down+B Sensitivity|| |100|''4''||| |101|''10''||| |102|''-0.6875''|Platform drop sensitivity|| |103|''6''|Platform drop input window|| |104|''-0.5''|Unknown|| |105|''1''||| |106|''1''||| |107|''0.051''||| |108|''-0.66''|Something to do with holding down to stop ledge grab with tethers auto pull|| |109|''2''|Ledgesnap Duration|| |110|''100''|CliffQuick/Slow % damage threshold in Brawl|| |111|''360''|Ledge hang timer|There is another 20F ledge hang.| |112|''240''|Unknown|| |113|''0.25''|Ledge release/getup sensitivity|| |114|''0.8726646''|Ledge getup analog range (radians)|equal to 50 deg| |115|''54''|Ledge Grab Penalty|After ledge release, you cannot grab the ledge in 54 frames.| |116|''0''|Unknown|| |117|''0.6''||| |118|''60''|Unknown|| |119|''300''|Unknown|| |120|''44''|Something related to ledge intangibility|Changed to 10000, invincibility lasts 6~ second at 0%| |121|''120''|Unknown|| |122|''4''|Unknown|| |123|''0.9''|Unknown|| |124|''20''||| |125|''28''||| |126|''25''||| |127|''16''||| |128|''30''|Unable Tech window|If you double tap your shield button, you cant tech in 30F from first input.| |129|''8''|Tech window|| |130|''0.2''|Tech Roll sensitivity?|| |131|''0.1''||| |132|''5''|Tech WallJump Input Window?|| |133|''14''|Tech->Tech WallJump Window|| |134|''400''|Base time on shield break|| |135|''90''|Minimum time on shield break?|No way to prove this one. It was bugged in Brawl and bugged in this game too| |136|''1''|Reduction per frame on Shield break|| |137|''3''|Reduction per input on Shield break|| |138|''0.5''|Something to do with the directional input threshold on shield break|| |139|''10''|Unknown|| |140|''0.12''|Something related to trip chance with 361 moves|| |141|''0.02''|Something related to trip chance with 361 moves|| |142|''60''|Trip?|| |143|''240''||| |144|''150''||| |145|''60''||| |146|''1''||| |147|''2''||| |148|''4''||| |149|''80''|Crouch?|| |150|''80''|Crouch?|| |151|''2''||| |152|''30''||| |153|''60''||| |154|''120''||| |155|''5''||| |156|''2''||| |157|''10''||| |158|''2''||| |159|''25''||| |160|''6''||| |161|''2''||| |162|''0.045''||| |163|''1.15''|Rage effect|Rage effect multiplier&br;=1+(%-35)*(1.15-1)/(150-35)&br;(35<=%<=150)| |164|''150''||| |165|''35''||| |166|''2''|Unknown|| |167|''1.33''|Unknown|| |168|''2''||| |169|''0.8''||| |170|''0.7''||| |171|''0.66''||| |172|''0.5''||| |173|''20''||| |174|''130''|WallJump Timer|| |175|''0.8''|WallJump Sensitivity|| |176|''3''||| |177|''5''|Walljump Startup|| |178|''0.96''|WallJump Decay Multiplier|| |179|''4''|Walljump Air Mobility Delay|| |180|''0.9''||| |181|''0.75''|Footstool Height Decay Multiplier|| |182|''0.5''|Footstool range? required speed?|| |183|''8''|Footstool?|| |184|''30''||| |185|''-20''||| |186|''180''|Wallcling Timer|| |187|''0.5''||| |188|''0.5''||| |189|''60''|Time between wallclings?|| |190|''0.35''|Aerial attack landing lag speed mod?|| |191|''20''||| |192|''0.66''||| |193|''8''|Unknown|| |194|''50''|Shield HP|| |195|''0.15''|Terminal Shield Size|The size of shield when shield has 0 HP.| |196|''11''|Minimum Shield Hold Frames|You cannot drop shield until F12.| |197|''8''|Unknown|| |198|''16''|Unknown|| |199|''0.13''|Shield Damage per Frame|Takes 385 frames to breaking| |200|''0.08''|Shield Recover per Frame|Takes 625 frames from breaking| |201|''25''|Shield Reset|When broken, shield strength resets to this value| |202|''1.19''|Shield Damage Multiplier|| |203|''0''|Bonus Shield Damage|| |204|''0.58''|Normal Shield Stun Constant|Normal Shield Stun Formula(FAF)&br;=INT(Damage*0.58+3)←????| |205|''4''||| |206|''0.5''|Projectile Shield Stun Multiplier|#NAME?| |207|''0.8''|Unknown|| |208|''0.09''|Unknown|| |209|''1.3''|Max shield pushback|| |210|''80''|Unknown|| |211|''1.05''|Shield Size Multiplier|Base shield size is writtin in fighter_param file.| |212|''0.5''|Shield Shaking from Dashing|| |213|''4''|Power Shield Effect Disappear Frame|Power Shield Window : 1-3F| |214|''5''|Window to drop shield after powershield to get interrupts?|| |215|''0.66''|Power Shield Shield Stun Multiplier|#NAME?| |216|''0.15''|Power Shield Shield Knockback Multiplier|| |217|''0.04''|Attacker pushback when hitting shields|There is no limit? Pushback formula?| |218|''0.025''||| |219|''0.05''||| |220|''1.1''|Unknown|| |221|''1.3''|Franklin Badge reflected damage multiplier|| |222|''1.3''|Franklin Badge reflected speed multiplier|| |223|''8''|Shield Drop Lag (FAF)|| |224|''3''|Dash attack > Grab Window|| |225|''1''||| |226|''3''|Turn > P-grab window|| |227|''1''|Grab time reduced per frame|| |228|''8''|Grab time reduced per directional input|button input should be around 14.3(15/1.05?) but couldn't find| |229|''10''|Unknown|| |230|''2''|Unknown|| |231|''2''||| |232|''16''||| |233|''30''||| |234|''6''||| |235|''6''||| |236|''90''|Base grab time|#NAME?| |237|''1.7''|Multiplier for grab hold time added from total damage|| |238|''-3''||| |239|''1''||| |240|''1.9''|H speed on normal grab break|| |241|''1.2''|H speed on jump grab break|| |242|''27''||| |243|''18''|How many frames of invincibility you have after a throw|| |244|''0.01''|Weight factor of weight dependent throw speed formula|| |245|''26''|related to weight dependent throws|| |246|''2''|Result of weight times above cannot exceed this|| |247|''0.5''|Result of weight times above cannot be lower than this|| |248|''70''|Grab immunity frames|| |249|''3''||| |250|''0.75''||| |251|''1.1''||Added in 1.0.4| |252|''0''||Added in 1.0.4| |253|''10800''|Frames after touching the ground until KO ownership is lost|| |254|''45''|Frames until attacks out of hitstun|| |255|''2''||| |256|''40''|Frames until airdodge out of hitstun|| |257|''2.5''||| |258|''0.2''||| |259|''5''||| |260|''4''||| |261|''4''||| |262|''2''||| |263|''4''||| |264|''2''||| |265|''10''||| |266|''160''|Minimum knockback for the screen to flash white|| |267|''1''|Stage Collide Min Velocity|| |268|''0''||| |269|''0.85''|Launch speed multiplier on wall/ceiling bounce|| |270|''70''||| |271|''0.2''||| |272|''3''||| |273|''15''||| |274|''0.8''||| |275|''0.8''||| |276|''0.9''||| |277|''0.15''||| |278|''20''||| |279|''20''||| |280|''0.075''|Used in vertical launch speed boost formula.|Vertical knockback boost = 5*(Gravity-0.075)| |281|''5''|Used in vertical launch speed boost formula. Multiplier|| |282|''0.17''|Maximum changed angle from trajectory DI (radians)|equal to 9.740283... degrees| |283|''1.095''|Vectoring maximum launch speed multiplier|| |284|''0.92''|Vectoring minimum launch speed multiplier|| |285|''3''|Frames after hitlag before you can hit the floor in tumble?|| |286|''2''||| |287|''0.5''||| |288|''30''||| |289|''1''||| |290|''0.051''|Launch speed decay per frame|| |291|''2''||| |292|''0.8''||| |293|''0.9''||| |294|''0.2''|Maximum KB to Execute Momentum Commands with LA-Bit[57] not Set(Brawl)|| |295|''0.8''|Tumble Wiggle Sensitivity|| |296|''1''||| |297|''40''||| |298|''18''||| |299|''60''|Frames before respawn (after being KO'd)|| |300|''0.2''|Read when launched into the upper corners of the ceiling death boundary(Brawl)|| |301|''1.2''||| |302|''2.4''|Minimum initial launch speed to die off top boundary|equal to 80 KB| |303|''4.7''||| |304|''1''||| |305|''130''|Frame duration of Star KO|| |306|''45''||| |307|''-350''||| |308|''0.6''||| |309|''-10''||| |310|''16''||| |311|''1''||| |312|''40''|Frames until fighter hits the screen during Screen KO|lower number = takes less time to fly towards the screen| |313|''4''||| |314|''30''||| |315|''40''||| |316|''0''||| |317|''120''||| |318|''-230''||| |319|''0''||| |320|''-15''||| |321|''-50''||| |322|''1''||| |323|''0.2''||| |324|''1.7''||| |325|''-1''||| |326|''-10''||| |327|''60''|Frames in between respawning and taking control|lower number = respawn platform descends faster| |328|''240''|Max time allowed to stay in respawn platform|| |329|''120''|Invincibility granted out of respawn platform|| |330|''45''|Read on exiting respawn platform|| |331|''90''|Minimum KB required for medium knockback SFX|| |332|''180''|Minimum KB required for high knockback SFX|| |333|''15''|Minimum launch distance required for low knockback SFX|| |334|''15''|Minimum launch distance required for medium knockback SFX|| |335|''15''|Minimum launch distance required for high knockback SFX|| |336|''3.8''|Throw release?|| |337|''2.3''|Throw release?|| |338|''0.3''||| |339|''1.2''||| |340|''3''||| |341|''3.5''||| |342|''3''||Added in 1.0.4| |343|''10''|Base Sleep Time|| |344|''10''|Base sleep time (this * 3 frames added?)|| |345|''30''|Something to do with sleep|| |346|''25''|Multiplier for sleep time scaling off knockback|| |347|''1''|Multiplier for sleep time scaling off total percent|| |348|''1''|Sleep time reduced per frame|| |349|''8''|Sleep time reduced per input|| |350|''3''||| |351|''76''|Max stun frames|| |352|''15''||| |353|''50''||| |354|''1''||| |355|''0''||| |356|''1''||| |357|''5''|Stun time reduced per input|| |358|''0''||Added in 1.0.6| |359|''0''||Added in 1.0.6| |360|''0''||Added in 1.0.6| |361|''1''||Added in 1.0.6| |362|''1.1''||Added in 1.0.6| |363|''1''||Added in 1.0.6| |364|''6''||Added in 1.0.6| |365|''70''||Added in 1.0.6| |366|''3''|Number of frames entering buried state?|| |367|''10''||| |368|''15''||| |369|''30''||| |370|''1.5''||| |371|''0.5''||| |372|''1''||| |373|''8''||| |374|''1.2''|Vertical momentum out of bury escape|| |375|''12''|Frame you can interrupt bury escape jump|| |376|''8''||| |377|''70''||| |378|''0.7''||| |379|''0.7''||| |380|''100''||| |381|''0.8''|Knockback resistence while buried|| |382|''0.5''|Frozen damage multiplier?|| |383|''0.25''|Frozen knockback multiplier?|| |384|''0.03''|Frozen gravity multiplier?|| |385|''-25''|Something to do with the characters spinning while frozen?|| |386|''-4''|Something to do with the characters spinning while frozen?|| |387|''12''|Base freeze time|| |388|''1''|Freeze time reduced per frame|| |389|''4''|Freeze time reduced per input|| |390|''2''||| |391|''8.5''||| |392|''16''|Read when exiting frozen state (number of frames on exit?)|| |393|''30''||| |394|''0.6''|Ladder stuff|| |395|''7''|Ladder grab lag in frames?|| |396|''0.8''||| |397|''8''||| |398|''0.7''||| |399|''0.081''||| |400|''0.4''||| |401|''8''|How many frames of falling from JumpStart in water?|| |402|''0.04''||| |403|''0.91''||| |404|''4''|Read when surfacing water|| |405|''20''|Frame count between ripples in water when swimming|| |406|''240''|Swim time?|| |407|''2.5''|Swimming scaling multiplier for how many less frames you can swim for (your % * 2.5)|| |408|''0.6''||| |409|''150''|Flailing in water time?|| |410|''10''|Read when going from swim to frail?|| |411|''20''||| |412|''3''||| |413|''40''||Added in 1.0.4| |414|''70''||Added in 1.0.4| |415|''100''|Read when going from swim to frail?|| |416|''200''||| |417|''1''||Added in 1.0.4| |418|''20''||| |419|''70''||| |420|''2''||| |421|''150''||| |422|''120''|Wario Chomp Base Time|| |423|''0.5''|Multiplier for Chomp time added (your % * 0.5)|| |424|''10''|Time reduced per input|| |425|''2''|Related to Wario Chomp|| |426|''5''|Related to Wario Chomp|| |427|''0.5''|Related to Wario Chomp|| |428|''4''||| |429|''5.4''|Location coordinates for victim entering Kirby's mouth?|| |430|''6.8''|Location coordinates for victim entering Kirby's mouth?|| |431|''0.9''|Velocity for victim entering Kirby's mouth?|| |432|''1.2''|Velocity for victim entering Kirby's mouth?|| |433|''1''|Affects time it takes to enter Kirby's mouth?|| |434|''10''|Inhale time reduced per input?|| |435|''1''|Inhale time reduced per frame?|| |436|''250''|Base inhale time|| |437|''12''|Used on Kirby spit/swallow|| |438|''1''|Used on Kirby spit/swallow|| |439|''30''|Time spent in a star on spit|| |440|''10''|Time spent in a star on copy|| |441|''4''|Frames before opponent can act out of star?|| |442|''0.73''|H speed of star exit|| |443|''2.3''|V speed of star exit|| |444|''0''||| |445|''10''||| |446|''30''||| |447|''30''||| |448|''100''|DK Cargo Grab Base Time|| |449|''5''|DK Cargo Time increase per %|| |450|''7''|DK Cargo Grab Time reduction per directional input|| |451|''13''|DK Cargo Grab Time reduction per button input|| |452|''5.4''|H location victim falls towards when entering Dedede's mouth|| |453|''8.4''|V location victim falls towards when entering Dedede's mouth|| |454|''2.7''|H velocity while falling into Dedede's mouth|| |455|''3.6''|V velocity while falling into Dedede's mouth|| |456|''1''|Affects time it takes to enter Dedede's mouth|higher is faster| |457|''12''|Dedede inhale time reduced per input|| |458|''0''|Dedede inhale time reduced per frame|| |459|''250''|Dedede Swallow Base Time|| |460|''12''|Time in star reduced per input|| |461|''1''|Time in star reduced per frame|| |462|''30''|Time spent in star|| |463|''4''|Frames before opponent can act out of star?|| |464|''0.73''|H speed of star exit|| |465|''2.3''|V speed of star exit|| |466|''-5''|H location on Dedede inhale escape|| |467|''10''|V location on Dedede inhale escape|| |468|''2.8''|Used on Dedede inhale escape|| |469|''1.308997''|Used on Dedede inhale escape (radians)|equal to 75 degrees| |470|''4''|Used on Dedede inhale escape|| |471|''70''|Diddy Side B Base Hold Time|| |472|''1.3''|Multiplier for Diddy Hold time added (your % * 1.3)|| |473|''24''|Used on Diddy Side B|| |474|''0.4''|Used on Diddy Side B|| |475|''6''|Diddy Hold Time reduced per input|| |476|''0.8''|Robin nosferatu?|| |477|''155''||| |478|''120''||| |479|''5''||| |480|''1''||| |481|''2''||| |482|''6''||Added in 1.0.6| |483|''5''||Added in 1.0.6| |484|''38''||Added in 1.0.6| |485|''65''||Added in 1.0.6| |486|''38''||Added in 1.0.6| |487|''60''||Added in 1.0.6| |488|''280''|Corrin Side B Base Hold Time|Added in 1.1.4| |489|''1.5''|Multiplier for Hold time added (your % * 1.5)|Added in 1.1.4| |490|''1''|Time reduced per frame|Added in 1.1.4| |491|''30''|Time reduced per input??|Added in 1.1.4| |492|''0.002''|Used on Corrin Side B|Added in 1.1.4| |493|''6''|HeavyItem Smash Throw Input|| |494|''8''|Item Smash Throw Input Window|| |495|''5''|Dash attack item catch window|| |496|''5''|Aerial Item Catch|| |497|''5''|Picking up Item?|| |498|''8''|Frames|| |499|''70''|Frames|| |500|''2''|Frames|| |501|''5''|Frames|| |502|''0.3''||| |503|''0.625''||| |504|''16''|Frames|| |505|''0.5''||| |506|''6''|Frames|| |507|''0.6''||| |508|''0.325''|Heavy Item Walk Threshold|| |509|''-0.25''|Heavy Item Pivot Threshold|| |510|''100''|Frames|| |511|''5''|Frames|| |512|''5''|Frames|| |513|''6''|Frames|| |514|''20''|Frames|| |515|''2''||| |516|''35''||| |517|''10''||| |518|''120''||| |519|''2''||| |520|''0.87''||| |521|''1''||| |522|''2''||| |523|''0.9''||| |524|''1''||| |525|''15''||| |526|''30''||| |527|''4''||| |528|''120''||| |529|''30''||| |530|''1''||| |531|''20''||| |532|''1''|Flower time reduced per frame?|| |533|''16''|Flower time reduced per input?|| |534|''3000''|Maximum stacking flower time?|| |535|''40''|Multiplier for flower time added scaling off hitbox damage?|| |536|''0.7''|Something to do with flower size?|| |537|''3.5''|Used on flower effect|| |538|''0.04''|Something to do with flower size?|| |539|''2''||| |540|''720''||| |541|''2''||| |542|''9''||| |543|''25''||| |544|''3''||| |545|''-27''||| |546|''54''||| |547|''450''|Frames|| |548|''6''|Hammer|| |549|''10''|Frames|| |550|''800''|Frames|| |551|''120''|Frames|| |552|''60''|Frames|| |553|''120''|Frames|| |554|''15''|Golden Hammer?|| |555|''50''|Frames|| |556|''600''|Frames|| |557|''120''|Frames|| |558|''1.05''||| |559|''2''||| |560|''1.7''|Super Mushroom size multiplier?|| |561|''0.5''|Related to Super Mushroom|| |562|''0.5''|Poison Mushroom size multiplier?|| |563|''0.84''|Super Mushroom Voice Pitch multiplier?|| |564|''1.25''|Poison Mushroom Voice Pitch multiplier?|| |565|''480''|Frame count? Maybe it's the duration?|| |566|''100''|Read after finishing size change animation|| |567|''180''|Frames|| |568|''3''||| |569|''2.4''|Lightning Size multiplier?|| |570|''0.5''|Related to Lightning|| |571|''0.5''|Lightning Size multiplier?|| |572|''0.7''|Lightning Voice Pitch multiplier?|| |573|''1.25''|Lightning Voice Pitch multiplier?|| |574|''600''|Frame count? Maybe it's the duration?|| #table_zebra(t1, #ddd, #fff, #3f6) ---- **コメント #comment()

