
Witch Hunter

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Athwart Bicorne
The visage of Victor Saltzpyre wearing this awe-inspiring side-to-side bicorne has put the fear of Sigmar into many a sinner during the Witch Hunter's long and eventful career.'Do not pester me with arguments of logic and reason!' - Victor Saltzpyre
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Cult of Sigmar
A simple hood similar in style to those worn by the Preceptors at the Great Temple.
Used by Saltzpyre on the rare occasions he opts to keep a low profile.
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Comet Capotain
The twin tailed comet is emblazoned across the front of the tall, wide brimmed leather hat, but the symbol is almost redundant. Every citizen of the Empire recognize the characteristic shape of a witch hunter headpiece from far away, and with very few exceptions, have learnt to react with fear and trepidation.
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Hexentag Tricorne
Hexentag is the last day of the year in the imperial Calender, and greatly feared by the citizens of the Empire. People flock to shrines and temples to pray for protection against the horros of the Witching Night. Priests of Morr conduct solemn rites in their gardens and endure a a night time vigil to ensure that the dead remain still. Victor Saltzpyre always spends Hexentag preparing and planning his work for the coming Witching Night. His activities typically include the subjugation of cultist who gather in numbers for unholy rituals, having carfeully staked them out in advance, and the destruction of any undead slipping through the patrols of the priests of Morr.
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Reikwald Hat
After losing numerous hats to low hanging branches while riding through the Reikwald, Victor procured this piece of low silhoutte headwear. He dubbed it his 'Reikwald hat', and now wears it whenever he is travelling on horseback through forrested regions.
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Some time ago, whilst investigating vampiric influence in the isolated village of Staghof, Victor Saltzpyre became embroiled in a veritable carnival of treachery. A vampire indeed held sway over Staghof, with the burgomeister his seemingly-willing accomplice - seemingly, because the greedy wretch was also engaged in a warpstone trade with the loathsome Skaven. Victor's nose for secrets led him into this nest of liars and after a thorough investigation, he arrived at the mine from where the evil spawned. Victor walked in with two seeing eyes, and his mind mainly on traditional heresies like witches, chaos and undead, and exited days later, barely alive, missing an eye, and with a voracious interest in rat-men. To this day, no one but Victor knows what happened in that forsaken mine, but whatever it was, it shook his foundations to the core.


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The Pale Queen
Ereth Khial, the Pale Queen, is the supreme Goddess of the elven underworld. Up until the Coming of Chaos, it was she who harvested the souls of all dead elves. All changed with the rise of Slaneesh, the Dark Prince, who covets Elven souls above all others, and for millenia, it is he who has been feeding on the essence of the elven dead. The elves employ various methods to avoid being devoured by the Chaos god upon death, and one option is to pay homage to the Pale Queen. She has far from given up the fight, and sometimes manages to steal away souls from the insatiable Slaneesh. Showing proper respect to the Pale Queen might call her into acton, and this save your soul from the clutches of chaos.

Dwarf Ranger

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Drakk Goruz
'Drakk Goruz' translates to Dragon Horns, a suitable name for a helmet crowned by a decorative gold dragon of exquisite craftmanship, framed by two majestic dragon head horns. This is a helmet befitting a Thane, to be worn when entering the Hall of Ancestors after a glorious death on the battlefield.

Bright Wizard

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The Ossuary
As the winds of Shyish gusts strong, the tremors of change are felt among every realm and walk of life. Symbols of death magic appear, subconsciously or through direct influence, in the arts and crafts produced in the Old World.

Empire Soldier

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Black Guard
The Knights of the Black Guard are charged with protecting the temples and priests of Morr, the God of the Dead, and to battle any force that interferes with his work. Necromancers and vampires are the prime candidates for catching the Black Guards ire, and Sergeant Kruber has fought along their side twice in major battles.Unfortunately, they were not present the day that Kruber lost his entire unit to the fiendish magic of an Arch-necromancer.
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Blucher's Helmet
This full visored helmet was found in an armory in the Precinct, the military district of Ubersreik that is centered around the Magnus Tower. The town's defenses consisted of twelve detachments of halberdiers, eight units of crossbowmen, and three engineer units for the artillery pieces set along the watch towers. The defenders took heavy losses in the Skaven sneak attack, but at least some of them managed to escape to the Dwarfen Quarter and The Hill, where they have formed bastions of resistance. Their commander, Captain Erwin Blucher, is reported missing.
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Bögenhafen Bonnet
A fluffy satin bonnet in purple and yellow, the colours of Bögenhafen, a prosperous market town south of Altdorf, in which Kruber has actually never sat his foot. The hat is in great condition, considering the Sergeant's penchant for fisticuffs, with its numerous bloodstains only barely visible in daylight.
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Death's Head
Wearing masks and visors similar to the ones worn by The Black Guard of Morr. the Ostermark Death's Heads regiment has gained notoriety fighting the unholy armies of the Vampire Counts.Formed during the Vampire wars. the Death's Heads famously took the fight into sylvania after the great victory of Hel Fenn.
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Egret Plume Cavalier
A low-crowned cavalier hat with a crenellated brim and a swaying plume of giant egret feathers. Apparently made by an high-end hat maker Nuln, Kruber usually wears it on the rare occasions he is on leave, or when performing his least favourite duty; dealing with the nobility.
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Wurzen Outrider
An officer of an Ostland Outrider regiment gave this helmet to Seargant Kruber, as a gesture of respect after a hard fought battle in the Forest of Shadows. Outriders are grizzled veterans of the Pistolkorps, usually serving as leaders for ordinary Pistolkrops troops or instructors. When a severe threat materialises, Outrider regiments can be formed to deal with the situation.
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Although ornamented with Imperial symbols, this lion faced helmet is rumoured to have never been worn by anyone in official service of the Emperor. Kruber won it in a game of cards and doesn't care much about the helmets history, Card game wins come few and far between for our Sergeant, so the helmet serves just as much as a happy reminder of his gambling triumph as protection for his head.



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