

落札期間10日間を過ぎてもコンバインしたい→NG」(2016/03/18 (金) 08:43:44) の最新版変更点



---- &color(red){基本不可です} どうしてもというバイヤーにはいつunpaid item caseがopen しても責任は取れないことを 伝えましょう ---- Thank you for your message. We only accepted extention period of maximum 10 days from the first bid. Your first bid was &color(red){【初回落札日】} and already 10days passed. Please make the first payment. However please note that one invoice can only show upto 40 items. Please send invoice request only upto 40 items Please note that we might open an unpaid item case if no payment for certain period. If unpaid item case opens, we only wait payment for 4 days and relist the items. We look forward to dealing with you. Sincerely yours, vinyl.garage.japon #back(text=戻る,center) ----
---- &color(red){基本不可です} どうしてもというバイヤーにはいつunpaid item caseがopen しても責任は取れないことを 伝えましょう ---- Thank you for your message. We only accepted extention period of maximum 10 days from the first bid. Your first bid was &color(red){【初回落札日】} and already 10days passed. Please make the first payment. Also please note that combine invoice are accepted only 14 days from the bid. We do not send combine invoice after 14 days. However please note that one invoice can only show upto 40 items. Please send invoice request only upto 40 items Please note that we might open an unpaid item case if no payment for certain period. If unpaid item case opens, we only wait payment for 4 days and relist the items. We look forward to dealing with you. Sincerely yours, vinyl.garage.japon #back(text=戻る,center) ----




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