

USレート地域⇔南米レート地域への住所変更」(2016/02/27 (土) 09:55:26) の最新版変更点



---- &color(red){&bold(){タスク①}}:Mへ発送先変更連絡タスク &color(red){&bold(){タスク②}}:インボイス担当へ送料再計算+インボイス発行タスク &color(blue){&bold(){管理表転記事項}}:発送先変更:(変更後の住所記載) Thank you for your message. We will let our shipping department for your request. Because the shipping cost will varies, we will revise your invoice or announce you the shortage payment. Please note that we will hold the shipment until we confirm you additional payment. If there is anything that is not clear to you, please do not hesitate to contact us before putting your feedback. We are happy to help and take responsibility for our customers that are not happy with us. We look forward to deal with you again in the future. Sincerely yours, vinyl.garage.japon #back(text=戻る,center) ----
---- &color(red){&bold(){タスク①}}:Mへ発送先変更連絡タスク &color(red){&bold(){タスク②}}:インボイス担当へ送料再計算+インボイス発行タスク &color(blue){&bold(){管理表転記事項}}:発送先変更:(変更後の住所記載) Thank you for your message. We will let our shipping department for your request. However, we basically do not accept any address changes after the payment. Please change your address before requesting invoice. Because the shipping cost will varies, we will revise your invoice or announce you the shortage payment. Please note that we will hold the shipment until we confirm you additional payment. If there is anything that is not clear to you, please do not hesitate to contact us before putting your feedback. We are happy to help and take responsibility for our customers that are not happy with us. We look forward to deal with you again in the future. Sincerely yours, vinyl.garage.japon #back(text=戻る,center) ----




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