$4対策メール後 追加入金了解の連絡あった場合

「$4対策メール後 追加入金了解の連絡あった場合」の編集履歴(バックアップ)一覧はこちら

$4対策メール後 追加入金了解の連絡あった場合」(2015/12/13 (日) 10:14:07) の最新版変更点



---- &color(red){&bold(){タスク}}:Mに 【$4⇒AIR/RS/RA (いずれかを記載)】 出荷希望タスクを送る &color(blue){&bold(){管理表転記事項}}: $4⇒AIR/RS/RA (いずれかを記載) 出荷希望 入金待ち ---- Thank you for your message and kind understanding. The actual shipping charge for your order calculated from the item description page is as follows. Shipping information &color(red){【実際の送料】} Please select the shipping method you would like and let us know. We would be very happy if you could directly send the shortage of the payment to us. Our PayPal address is as follows. music.time.g@gmail.com If there is anything that is not clear to you, please do not hesitate to contact us before putting your feedback. We are happy to help and take responsibility for our customers that are not happy with us. If there should be anything, please do feel free to contact us anytime. We look forward to deal with you again in the future. Sincerely yours, vinyl.garage.japon #back(text=戻る,center) ----
---- &color(red){&bold(){タスク}}:Mに 【$4⇒AIR/RS/RA (いずれかを記載)】 出荷希望タスクを送る   ※追加入金前でもOK &color(blue){&bold(){管理表転記事項}}: $4⇒AIR/RS/RA (いずれかを記載) 出荷希望 入金待ち ---- Thank you for your message and kind understanding. The actual shipping charge for your order calculated from the item description page is as follows. Shipping information &color(red){【実際の送料】} Please select the shipping method you would like and let us know. We would be very happy if you could directly send the shortage of the payment to us. Our PayPal address is as follows. music.time.g@gmail.com If there is anything that is not clear to you, please do not hesitate to contact us before putting your feedback. We are happy to help and take responsibility for our customers that are not happy with us. If there should be anything, please do feel free to contact us anytime. We look forward to deal with you again in the future. Sincerely yours, vinyl.garage.japon #back(text=戻る,center) ----




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