一時返金をする トラッキングあり

「一時返金をする トラッキングあり」の編集履歴(バックアップ)一覧はこちら

一時返金をする トラッキングあり」(2016/07/23 (土) 14:45:36) の最新版変更点



---- **パッケージごと未着の場合に限り、一時返金打診しましょう *返金は未着が1ヶ月以上続いている場合のみ! 1ヶ月以内の未着クレームには返金部分を削除して送りましょう &color(green){&bold(){要対応処理}} 調査請求 ⇒ [[調査請求]] を参照ください &color(blue){&bold(){管理表転記事項}} 一時返金打診中 調査請求済み Thank you for your message. We are very sorry to hear that you have not received your package yet. We sincerely apologize for the delay on shipping. Normally it takes about 35days for delivery. Appreciate for your patience. We will ask Japan post for investigation but at the same time, if needed, we would like to make temporary payback. However, we would appreciate if you could confirm that you will pay us back after you have received your package. We understand that it is a lot of money and thus we would like to propose you for the temporary full refund. Please feel free to let us know how you feel for this solution. Regards vinyl.garage.japon #back(text=戻る,center) ----
---- **パッケージごと未着の場合に限り、一時返金打診しましょう *返金は未着が1ヶ月以上続いている場合のみ! 1ヶ月以内の未着クレームには返金部分を削除して送りましょう &color(green){&bold(){要対応処理}} 調査請求 ⇒ [[調査請求]] を参照ください &color(blue){&bold(){管理表転記事項}} 一時返金打診中 調査請求済み Thank you for your message. We are very sorry to hear that you have not received your package yet. We sincerely apologize for the delay on shipping. Normally it takes about 35days for delivery. Appreciate for your patience. We will ask our carrier for investigation but at the same time, if needed, we would like to make temporary payback. However, we would appreciate if you could confirm that you will pay us back after you have received your package. We understand that it is a lot of money and thus we would like to propose you for the temporary full refund. Please feel free to let us know how you feel for this solution. Regards vinyl.garage.japon #back(text=戻る,center) ----




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