Dダンボ対応 (1パッケージ毎$5)

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Dダンボ対応 (1パッケージ毎$5)」(2017/06/07 (水) 10:04:00) の最新版変更点



---- &color(red){&bold(){タスク① }}:MへDダンボ希望を連絡タスク 入金前だった場合: &color(red){&bold(){タスク② }}:インボイス担当へ送料再計算+インボイス発行タスク 入金後だった場合: &color(green){&bold(){要対応処理}}:バイヤーに追加入金を請求する ⇒[[【追加オプション】]] を参照ください &color(blue){&bold(){管理表転記事項}}:Dダンボ希望 Thank you for your message. We accepted your request for double packaging. The additional cost is $5 per package, We will send money request to your paypal account. We will pack your items with double boxes and ship them after we confirm your payment. If there is anything that is not clear to you, please do not hesitate to contact us before putting your feedback. We are happy to help and take responsibility for our customers that are not happy with us. We look forward to dealing with you again. Sincerely yours, vinyl.garage.japon #back(text=戻る,center) ----
---- &color(red){&bold(){タスク① }}:担当者へDダンボ希望を連絡タスク **入金後だった場合: 担当者へDダンボ追加が可能か確認をする &color(green){&bold(){要対応処理}}:バイヤーに追加入金を請求する ⇒[[【追加オプション】]] を参照ください ---- Thank you for your message. We accepted your request for double packaging. The additional cost is $5 per package, If you have not yet paid for the items, we will revise your invoice. If you already have paid for the items, we will send money request to your paypal account. We will pack your items with double boxes and ship them after we confirm your payment. #back(text=戻る,center) ----




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