

商品が破損して届いた(書留)※画像なし」(2016/07/23 (土) 14:46:45) の最新版変更点



---- &color(red){パッケージが輸送中にダメージを受けた際のクレーム処理} &color(red){日本郵便へ損害賠償請求をするため、ダメージレポートと、破損したパッケージの写真が必要です。} &color(red){&bold(){タスク}} Mに賠償請求依頼タスク &color(green){&bold(){要対応処理}} shipping history シートのI列~AA列までをコピーし、TODOの調査請求シートの最下部(X列~)へ ペーストする ※「調査請求」シート「B列(依頼内容)」に、「損傷」と記入する &color(blue){&bold(){管理表転記事項}} 損害賠償請求済み ---- Thank you for your message. We are very sorry to hear that your package has been damaged during the shipment. We insured up to 6000 yen for this item when we shipped it out to you. We are sure we can claim this damage to post office for coverage. However we need the following 2 documents in order to claim the damage and receive refund quickly. We will make full refund advance if we receive these documents from you. Otherwise we cannot make full refund before the claims has admitted by Japan post, which maybe takes about 1-2 month. 1) Damage Report issued by your local Post office This Damage Report will be issued if you bring the damaged package to the post office. 2) Photo of Damaged package Please send the photo by email. We will report the photo together with damage report. We are sorry to trouble you, but we appreciate your cooperation on this matter. If there is anything that is not clear to you, please do not hesitate to contact us before putting your feedback. We are happy to help and take responsibility for our customers that are not happy with us. Please let us know once you find out anything from post office. Sincerely yours, vinyl.garage.japon ----
---- &color(red){パッケージが輸送中にダメージを受けた際のクレーム処理} &color(red){日本郵便へ損害賠償請求をするため、ダメージレポートと、破損したパッケージの写真が必要です。} &color(red){&bold(){タスク}} Mに賠償請求依頼タスク &color(green){&bold(){要対応処理}} shipping history シートのI列~AA列までをコピーし、TODOの調査請求シートの最下部(X列~)へ ペーストする ※「調査請求」シート「B列(依頼内容)」に、「損傷」と記入する &color(blue){&bold(){管理表転記事項}} 損害賠償請求済み ---- Thank you for your message. We are very sorry to hear that your package has been damaged during the shipment. We insured up to 6000 yen for this item when we shipped it out to you. We are sure we can claim this damage to post office for coverage. However we need the following 2 documents in order to claim the damage and receive refund quickly. We will make full refund advance if we receive these documents from you. Otherwise we cannot make full refund before the claims has admitted by our carrier, which maybe takes about 1-2 month. 1) Damage Report issued by your local Post office This Damage Report will be issued if you bring the damaged package to the post office. 2) Photo of Damaged package Please send the photo by email. We will report the photo together with damage report. We are sorry to trouble you, but we appreciate your cooperation on this matter. If there is anything that is not clear to you, please do not hesitate to contact us before putting your feedback. We are happy to help and take responsibility for our customers that are not happy with us. Please let us know once you find out anything from post office. Sincerely yours, vinyl.garage.japon ----




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