一時返金をする トラッキングなし(一時返金打診)

Thank you for your message.
We are very sorry to hear that you have not received your package yet.
We sincerely apologize for the delay on shipping.

We have suggested you the Registered option before the shipment.
However you have selected SAL/AIR shipment.
We have stated that we will not refund to the SAL/AIR user because we cannot track the item.

Sometimes there are custom trouble during the delivery and may cause delay for longest 3 months.
We would pleased if you could wait for at least a month for delivery.

If you cannot wait, we are able to make a temporary refund but, we will ask you to use Registered option from the next time.

However, we would appreciate if you could confirm that you will pay us back
after you have received your package.

Please feel free to let us know how you feel for this solution.



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最終更新:2015年12月03日 12:47


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