Sacred Treasure Wielders Batch 2 with SRS Plus and Elemental Unit bonus

Mahalu, Nadore and Charis have emerged from the depths of the Ishgria, carrying powerful relics that will surely help in the fight against demons!

Summon them NOW and witness the strength of the Sacred Treasure Wielders!

In celebration of their arrival, we will have the following promos:

A. Super Rare Summon PLUS
Super Rare Summon PLUS will run until September 30, 23:59 PST. (Minimum of 5-stars and higher chance to get 6-stars)
Previous summon count from Batch 1 will also carry forward until September 30, 23:59 PST.
Bonus Unit for every 5 summons.
Bonus unit can be any unit from Ruby Batch onwards with the addition of the three new units - Mahalu, Nadore, Charis.
10/1(木)16:59まで(最低★5 - ★6の確率アップ)

B. Super Rare Summon
Super Rare Summon will run from October 1, 00:00 PST until October 6, 23:59 PST. (Minimum of 4-stars with chance to get 6-stars)
BONUS UNIT for every 5 summons
10/1(木)17:00 - 10/7(水)16:59(最低でも★4、最大★6のチャンス)

October 1, 00:00 PST to 23:59 PST Bonus Units:
Bonus unit can be any FIRE unit with 7 star potential (Lava, Ultor, Grandt, Alpha, Claire, Regrard, Ruby, Bestie, Griff, Rineth)
10/1(木)17:00 - 10/2(金)16:59 ボーナスユニット

October 2, 00:00 to 23:59 PST Bonus Units:
Bonus unit can be any WATER unit with 7 star potential (Elimo, Oulu, Tridon, Tazer, Colt, Rubeus, Medina, Vernil, Iris, Quartz)
10/2(金)17:00 - 10/3(土)16:59 ボーナスユニット

October 3, 00:00 to 23:59 PST Bonus Units:
Bonus unit can be any EARTH unit with 7 star potential (Altri, Edea, Elaina, Tora, Quaid, Oguro, Dion, Toutetsu, Libera, Duran)
10/3(土)17:00 - 10/4(日)16:59 ボーナスユニット

October 4, 00:00 to 23:59 PST Bonus Units:
Bonus unit can be any THUNDER unit with 7 star potential (Loch, Ronel, Deimos, Kanon, Diana, Rize, Balgran, Kagura, Rhoa, Mahalu)
10/4(日)17:00 - 10/5(月)16:59 ボーナスユニット

October 5, 00:00 to 23:59 PST Bonus Units:
Bonus unit can be any LIGHT unit with 7 star potential (Will, Sefia, Aurelia, Kira, Fadahl, Raaga, Rinon, Sixgear, Krantz, Nadore)
10/5(月)17:00 - 10/6(火)16:59 ボーナスユニット

October 6, 00:00 to 23:59 PST Bonus Units:
Bonus unit can be any DARK unit with 7 star potential (Alice, Kikuri, Hadaron, Zenia, Feeva, Ivris, Aaron, Yuura, Reis, Kafka, Charis)
10/6(火)17:00 - 10/7(水)16:59 ボーナスユニット

For the elemental bonus unit, summon count for the day will start at 00:00 PST and reset after 23:59 PST. Summon count for the day is not carried over to the next day. Please do the summons within the period of the bonus unit schedule you wish to take part in.
Example, if you wish to receive a FIRE bonus unit, kindly fulfill the summon requirement within the FIRE Bonus unit summon period which is October 1, 00:00 to 23:59 PST.

Take part of this extravagant celebration with your fellow summoners! SUMMON NOW!


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