
支払い遅延は受理不可です。落札より24日間が経過すると、eBayより督促状(Unpaid item case)が送られます。どうしても支払えない場合は、一度キャンセルしてもらい再度入札を行ってもらいましょう

Thank you for your message.
We will await for your payment but our unpaid item case will open automatically by eBay.

Please note that we might open an unpaid item case if no payment for certain period.
If unpaid item case opens, we only wait payment for 4 days and relist the items.

If there is anything that is not clear to you, please do not hesitate to contact us before putting your feedback.
We are happy to help and take responsibility for our customers that are not happy with us.
If there should be anything, please do feel free to contact us anytime.

We look forward to deal with you again in the future.

Sincerely yours,


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最終更新:2016年02月25日 11:32


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