

Thank you for your message.
The tracking information is uploaded on eBay site.
Please check your Order Detail page.
Sometimes tracking information will not appear on-time but maybe one or two days after.

You can also track your item from the below URL.

■US buyers:
Delivery 2weeks ~ 1 month

Delivery : about 1 month ~ 2 months
Some countries such as ; Italy, German, France takes more time for delivery because of their unique custom.

■South America/Africa
Delivery about 1 month ~3 months
Some countries such as ; Brazil, Chile and others takes more time for delivery because of their unique custom.

It may take some time until the tracking information shall be shown on the web site. Please be noted that the number of days till the arrival will vary upon your location and customs.

According to our carrier, missing post is increasing these days.
If the package is missing over a month, we would like to request for an investigation on the parcel to our carrier.
Please let us know if you wish for investigation.


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最終更新:2017年06月07日 10:22


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